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Welcome to I. C. E. C. eCourse

This >> FREE << I. C. E. C. eCourse

was UPDATED with NEW CONTENT as of  

TUESDAY - MAY (the 05th Month)

on the 07nd day in the year of 2024 at

10:48 A.M. CST

Just so YOU KNOW

Just so YOU KNOW: >the fine print<

Our Home Page "Orientation CHALLENGE" will take

(apr 2 hours and 12 minutes/apr 131 minutes 40 seconds) 

It's okay to binge your way through orientation or

just simply pace yourself. 

Listen/ReaALL Audio Strips-n-Scripts and

Watch ALL Videos.

We understand that YOU will only Retain

what is Currently Relevant to YOU.

We understand that YOU will Accept and Accomplish

the CHALLENGES that Intrigue YOU.

We are 100% at Peace with these things.


  New Content is made available for your 

 Entrepreneurial Literacy Training

on this Intriguing Non-Traditional Platform. 


 will EXPAND and EVOLVE!

There is NO Age Restriction, here!

This is for EVERYONE!

 Don't be Left Behind, Stay Current,

Participate, and Pay this Forward.  

 I. C. E. C. eCourse 


 is Now in Effect!

Your Ultimate Invitation

Here's "Your Ultimate Official Invitation"

If you haven't watched it, I Highly Recommend you watch it Right Now.

You must watch this video and complete the Orientation Challenge before you can take on the Challenges on this Platform or invite anyone else.

You also much be on working on a CHALLENGE yourself too.

When you are prompted to invite others to this CHALLENGE Platform here's all you need to say and here's what you send them.

"I highly recommend you check out this video." then you send them the link. It's that simple.

The ball is in your ball park now
Please Note:
All single standing videos will automatically loop.


Just feel like listening and not reading the text?

Simply click play on any of these audio strips to listen or follow along.

These will be located above the text throughout this eCourse for your convenience. 

May this bring you value and create a better overall experience.

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Warning Warning
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Feel Free to utilize this Entrepreneurial Platform to educate yourself, become well-informed, and have fun in the process so as to not participate in this type of activity that is explained above.


Have an absolutely wonderful day, you matter, you can make a difference, and you are totally worth the time and effort that will be involved in doing so. 

A Side Note:

Ponder this for just a moment.

You owe it to yourself to Complete the Entire Orientation and then choose to follow through with, and complete the many many CHALLENGES available to you. Then pay it forward.


It's truly unfortunate if you short change yourself by not completing the Orientation and doing the Challenges that are available to you and not to even mention all those you could have been inspired to pay it forward to.


You do this for yourself, but it's not necessary to do it by yourself.

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Play Audio
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In 2020 as we Physically Distance we can Socially Connect.

This was a 2020 project created with building better connections within our local to global communities to bring us all closer together. 

  • If you find you have a few moments, why not work on a CHALLENGE to pass the time.

  • If you're feeling stressed, why not work on a CHALLENGE that will take you mind off of it.

  • Want to build stronger connections with those you care about family, friends, co-workers, church family, people in your community, or people you've just met take on these challenges with each other with productive and enlightening activities. 

This is a non-traditional, yet Entrepreneurial based Educational Platform ie eCourse.

So, if you ever wanted to learn like an entrepreneur here's your chance. 

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  1st CHALLENGE   

Watch them All this is the Orientation Challenge

- Recently Updated -

  1. the Time-Lapse Plant Growth & Metamorphosis videos

  2. the new Orientation Part I video 

  3. the new Orientation Part II video

  4. the Sower and the Seed Story

  5. the Take the Challenge & Challenge Accepted videos

  6. the Accountability Partner videos - 1 and 2

  7. the Controversial Bonus video

The CHALLENGE is to watch them all within 24 hours of the moment you read this invitation and then start any one or more than one of the many CHALLENGES located on this platform.


Note: The CHALLENGES are located in the MENU of this platform and are in no particular order of importance more or less.


** Be a Fast-Tracker - watch All of the Orientation videos within

4 hours and then don't hesitate or procrastinate to begin.

Important Note:
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Important Note:

  • FOLLOW the Instructions within the videos and begin your Adventurous Challenge Journey.

  • Let your Inner Whispers guide your self-educational path.

It never hurts to pray for personal guidance before you begin your CHALLENGE Dailies throughout this platform.

** Don't Hesitate or Procrastinate

This will truly impede your progress.

This always leads to unnecessary feelings that could keep you from a better tomorrow.

We never wish that on anyone.

You may leave for a time, we all know that this is life sometimes, however you're always welcome to return and continue again at your pace and at your convenience.

Zig Ziglar Quote
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The 3 Quotes
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When you're Important
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When you're Important to another person that person will always find a way to MAKE TIME for YOU

No Excuses, No Lies, No Broken Promises.

Tomorrow is never Promised MAKE TIME TODAY, RIGHT NOW to build stronger and more meaningful connections with those in our sphere of influence.

Be Actively Engaged in a GOOD CAUSE together as you Pay GOOD Forward

It's Highly Recommended to take this I. C. E. C. eCourse with those you have a good, great, or phenomenal connection with.

It's simply best taken with others.

Pay it forward today.

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The B. O. S. S. Organizer/Planner and the I. C. E. C. Professional Notebook are both now available for you to purchase and use.

This is Highly Recommended as this website's designer is also the author of these two publications that are now published and available on Amazon. 

Taking this I. C. E. C. eCourse with these useful tools where you can log everything is very advantageous. 

Play Audio
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Play Audio
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ICEC eCourse Orientation CHALLENGE Playl...
Completed Orientation
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You've COMPLETED your ORIENTATION 7 Step process.

You're Now OFFICIALLY READY to BEGIN to take on the CHALLENGES with the individual who invited you here.

>>Will YOU ACCEPT<<? YES or no

  1. Text, Call/FaceTime, or Zoom the individual who invited you with "I, your name, Accept the Challenge" and

  2. Let them know which CHALLENGE/s you've decided to begin with.

  3. Just Go and Do All of the CHALLENGES at your pace and at your convenience

This is all part of the CHALLENGE platform if you want to do it the way the it was intended and set up to be done. 

When Choosing a Challenge
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  • Just pick the ONE that calls to you or stands out to you that seems the most interesting.

  • Then simply go for it and get started working on it.

  • Complete it or keep working on it and then start another one.

  • Don't be Overwhelmed.

  • Don't Overthink. 

  • Just Go and Do.

  • Find out why it stood out and matters to you.

I have Faith in You
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  • I have FAITH in YOU!


  • YOU MATTER and Will Help Us make a difference in a tremendous ripple effect for good! 


If you're taking this eCourse by yourself without inviting others to join you then you're not taking this eCourse the Right Way and it will unfortunately profit you nothing.

Self-educating without purpose and action becomes irrelevant and useless all to often. We, here on this platform, do not wish that to happen. 

It is strategic to take if for yourself, but never by yourself.

It feels great to share in great experiences with those we've a good, great, or phenomenal connection, friendship, or relationship with. 

Home Office
Home Office

Do Not Skip these videos regardless of your religious base.

What makes sense to you and how do you understand what is being explained within these two videos?

Tropical Plants
SPOT LIGHT for ICEC eCourse 4 29 2021 2.

Everyone's Journey and Everyone's Story is Important, has Value, and is Inspirational to Hear and to Share:

You never know someone unless you hear their story, understand their perspective, and get to know them.

This is our Spotlight Story and Journey "Alex Boye".

We hope it inspires, empowers, and gives you hope to press forward and to never stop and never giving up on working towards your dreams, goals, and bucket lists.

May you and your family's Vision Boards to Reality Life's become real!

I look forward to Spotlighting your Journey and your Story. 

I'm creating a Challenge regarding Spotlighting individuals, couples, families, and friends and their story and journey's. (It will need to be in video format.)  

SPOT LIGHT for ICEC eCourse 4 29 2021 3.
SPOT LIGHT for ICEC eCourse 4 29 2021.JP
In The Spotlight "Alex Boye"
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Continue the Story & Continue the Journey
Welcome to the Menu of All CHALLENGES
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Important Notice:
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 * It's IMPERATIVE to Educationally Consume as

 much as you are able to.

 * Don't skimp on becoming well informed and

 well educated. It's always worth your time.

 Below this Point  

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This is a partial but correct view image
FREE App tools
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We may Physically Distance, however we can Socially Connect.

I hope these Free App tools bring you value and enhance your experience while taking this eCourse with those who matter to you.

These are simply a few Free Social Connecting Tools to make taking this Free eCourse a lot easier and more streamlined when taking the Challenges on yourself and inviting others to join you. 

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A few little Social Connecting

gadget gifts that I found.

From me to you to make this

adventure more exiting.

They truly keep on giving.
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HiHello & ZOOM
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This website is EVOLVING 


  • Don't Create RULES where RULES don't need to exist.

  • Don't Knock it until you've actually tried it.

  • The Sky is not the limit only your imagination is.

  • Thinking outside the box is the running theme, here.  

Participate in the EARN While you LEARN > CHALLENGE<.

Never be afraid to upgrade and update you perspective and understanding, as it's only natural. Then Never Forget to Pay it Forward.

It's a Beast

Our Mission

To inform the general public, those who are energy consumers, as well as industry professionals of options and possibilities currently available. We've compiled years of credible and reliable due diligence research just for you to go over and educate yourself with.

Our Mission

Our Goal

To make available credible and reliable content, material, sources and resources. This way you can be confident in the information you're learning.

Our Goal
You're Never to Young and You're Never to Old
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You're Never to Young and You're Never to Old to be

an Entrepreneur and have goals and dreams.

Create a Dream/Vision Board to Reality Life!

It's not stupid it makes sense.

If you have what inspires you, to keep going, in front of you then you're more likely to stay steady and on course until you feel and experience the reality of your personal motivation. What does it actually hurt anyway? Nothing, nothing at all. 

Real Life Stories

Important Home page Notes: click here 

  -  A QUICK NOTE  -

  VERY IMPORTANT NOTICE:                                                          

  •   All single stationed videos on this platform are on a loop and   

  will repeat. 

  •   This is an Entrepreneurial Centered, Documentary Styled, and

  Due Diligence Research Compilation Directed Platform with Diverse and Valuable Information and Content for your Personal Growth, Personal Training, Entrepreneurial Internship and Apprenticeship Styled Individual Centered Training. 

  • Be in the KNOW with this Platform's Entrepreneurial NEWS


Please Note: This is not an official Ambit Energy website.

AMBIT Energy  -  (Ambit Texas, LLC REP #10117)

This website is merely a due diligence research platform created by an Independent Certified Energy Consultant only. 

Ambit Energy makes no guarantee or promise of income or business. Results are determined by the efforts of those and by market trends. Earnings represented or implied in Ambit’s marketing materials and communications may not be typical and cannot be relied on to represent one’s personal results either for current or future earnings. Income, if any, earned from the Ambit Compensation Plan requires diligence and hard work in several areas including, but not limited to, leadership, recruiting, self-development and dedication. Each Independent Consultant’s results will depend on their own skills, abilities and personal efforts in exercising these qualities. We urge you to study Ambit’s compensation plan and talk to your local Ambit consultant before enrolling.

(This links to the Ambit Energy Income Disclosure Statement)., to all consultant made marketing materials discussing the Opportunity such as, your personal websites, social media pages and any other resources that you use. This includes all printed flyers, videos, presentations, advertisements, and other materials. The disclaimer must always be able to be clearly read. Please note links to the full disclaimer on the Ambit Energy corporate website. You are only required to display the short disclaimer.

It's Highly Recommend to take this eCourse with those you've been inspired to invite using Zoom

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Due Diligence Research - Information Modules

Print your Free I. C. E. C. eCourse Badge today after

you become legally registered and compliance certified.


Your Feedback is imperative! Please take the time to

submit your review, right now.

Feedback Form |

Your light-bulb moments are worth sharing, so share

it today. Bring value and impact positively your

fellow Entrepreneurial Global Classmates, Today!

I got my Light-Bulb Moment Form |

Become legally registered and compliance certified

through the individual who invited you today.

Don't waste another minute from you being able 

to Earn while you Learn today!

You have the Choice and you have the POWER!

Exercise your potential for an Entrepreneurial lifestyle,

TODAY forward and pay it forward daily!

eCourse Content Contribution Form |

Get Plugged in and Stay Plugged in!

Don't just say you'll be their actually SHOW UP

and BE PRESENT while you're In Attendance!


If someone is speaking look at them at their face

to show respect and listen to what stands out and

then by all means take those stand out notes!

Know what's going on Locally and Globally!


Don't have an event in your area then create one.

Send your event info to us today to to post your I. C. E. C.


I. C. E. C. Calendar |

Contact Us |


This is an unofficial and very bias, leaning towards looking for the positive potential and the good, website with content compiled from our industry, industry leaders, company, company leaders, and talented fellow business partners.


We hope the content within this I. C. E. C., which is educational and informative by nature, brings you value in your pursuit of a brighter future as well as those you pay it forward to.

"Sometimes you just have to give a bright idea a chance to brighten not only your future, but the future of all those you pay it forward to as well.

It may start out as, what it can do for you and those you care about in order to change and improve your current situation or circumstance. 

However it becomes the untapped potential it can be for all you pay it forward to.


This occupational opportunity has the potential to be an enormous ripple effect for good.

We know where all good comes from, right?

This is one of those truly worthy endeavors to be a part of , participate in, and pay forward."

by Designer and Developer Kristine Holy-Dunn

Questions, Comments, Challenge Ideas, and other Suggestions

Email to - Attention: Kristine

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United  States

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© 2019-2021 a website by S.E.S.P.G.A

Self-Educated Student Personally Guided Association


Open to All Ages


This eCourse is best taken with others.

NOTICE: No student debt is incurred while taking this Transparent Entrepreneurial I. C. E. C. eCourse.

Once you're Legally Registered and Compliance Certified you're encouraged to contribute creative, insightful, informative, enlightening, and educational content to be share with your fellow local to global entrepreneurial classmates.

This is very much encouraged, however its merely optional.

Send your potential content to Attention: Kristine


Welcome to the 

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