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Best Choice

5th CHALLENGE - 2 of  8   

Basic Training on How-To: GET PAID - CLARIFICATION

Executive Consultant Debbie Gardner introduces Jon Drew now National Consultant as he goes into detail and gives better clarity regarding the two most important promotions within out company and How We Get Paid.

This is Non-Texas Markets, but logistics is the same, but more money is involved.


00:00:00 - START

00:00:26 - Jon Drews Story and Intro

00:02:02 - Let's jump into the Two Lanes of Pay

00:05:22 - Weekly Bonus Structure

00:09:40 - Weekly Bonus with an Event Flyer Bonus Example

00:12:52 - 5 2 6 in-depth Get PROMOTED RC-REGIONAL CONSULTANT

00:14:52 - 10 2 18 in-depth Get PROMTED to SC-SENIOR CONSULTANT

00:20:32 - Help 5 Consultants within your SC Code go SC gets you PROMOTED to EC - EXECUTIVE CONSULTANT and Help 5 Consultants to go EC within your EC Code gets you PROMOTED to NC - NATIONAL CONSULTANT

00:22:49 - Part 1 of the Second Leg of Compensation - Getting Paid on the 15th of the month Residual Monthly Bonus

00:27:15 - Part 2 of the Second Leg of Compensation - Getting Paid more on the 15th of the month Residual Monthly Bonus and Promotions - The Power of Compounding Quarters

00:29:49 - Weekly Pay vs Residual Pay breakdown visual chart over time not over night

00:32:56 - Debbie Gardner - Leadership Code Important Details

00:33:41 - Debbie asks Jon - What Drove Your Success - Online Social Media

00:34:53 - My 5 BIGGEST SECRETS

00:47:59 - FREE CONTENT for EACH of YOU

00:49:16 - Graces Question from Wisconsin - How does the last day of a promotion work

00:50:45 - Nichole on Ambit's podcast Ambit Auto Pilot

00:52:09 - Value Based Marketing

00:52:38 - Grace asks - Is it important to know the nitty-gritty of how the company funds the residuals

00:56:07 - States don't understand that it's better to have utility competition discussion

00:56:24 - Closing Remarks

01:00:54 - We do two simple things


Tracy Moss Tidwell an Executive Consultant with a heart to heart story worth listening to then sharing.

She has Spiritually Empowering Mission and Ministry. 

Best Choice

 CHALLENGE-Imperative it's in the Lyrics  




Benefit or Torture 

The only way to complete this Daily, Weekly, and Monthly CHALLENGE is to watch this video below from beginning to end.

This is for all CHALLENGES.

Note This video will loop at 00:03:22

Print your Certification of Completion.

Do this when you have covered all content within this CHALLENGE

and/or did the actions involved over a time frame that you predetermined prior to beginning.

This is 100% based on your Integrity and the Honor System.

You Earned the Accolades for YOUR Consistent and Persistent Efforts and Accomplishments.



If you would like to share your story and your insight in a Closing Remark compiled video like this one to help your fellow I. C. E. C.s - Independent Certified Energy Consultants.

  • You must be Legally Registered and paid your one-time Legal Registration fee of $75.00 and be Compliance Certified in All Current Markets available in Ambit Energy and be current with your $24.95 monthly D.B.A. and website fee as an in "Good Standing" Ambit Energy Consultant in order to submit your videos for this type of video or any other video content contributed to the I. C. E. C. eCource.Center website.


Send your YouTube or other platform video link.  

You must have the following in order to be selected and have it posted

  1. You (and Spouse's, if applicable) First and Last Name

  2. I. C. E. C. Number (CNumber - Consultant Number)

  3. Your Current Promotion Level

  4. Date you became a Legally Registered

  5. Date you become Compliance Certified in all current markets (each separate date if applicable)

  6. 06 - Your City and State

  7. Fast-Track Accomplishments if applicable

  8. Awards

  9. Your Story

    • a - What you did you do to acquire income prior to becoming legally resisted and compliance certified with Ambit Energy?

    • b - What excuses did you turn into reasons to get started?

    • c - Who introduced you to this opportunity, how did you meet, and how do you know each other?

    • d - What has the Ambit Opportunity done for you and your family?

    • e - What stands out to you that you feel would be great to share about your journey?

    • f - What are some great quotes that have impacted you personally?

    • g - Who has inspired you and how did they inspire you?

    • h - How important is it to have your dreams and goals written down and on a dream to reality board?

    • i - Call to Action remarks


Please Note: We will have these closing remark video compilations for all promotion levels from Marketing Consultants to National Consultants.

As you promote you may send in your current and updated video at your discretion. We appreciate you sending them in as soon as you're able to so that we can compile and post in a timely manner.


** We do not delete or discontinue any video submitted for any reason.

If you wish to have this done it will be denied.

Your success is permanent and is permanently on the record.

Your unique insight and understanding that's shared within your story and your closing remarks is valuable and very important.

Your video contribution to this I. C E. C. eCourse has the potential to inspire and motivate others and that is more important.

This video was compiled from EnergyGoldRush content created

by National Consultants and the current #1 income earners 

Shawn Cornett and Damien Pachacek.


  -  A QUICK NOTE  -

  VERY IMPORTANT NOTICE:                                                          

  •   All single stationed videos on this platform are on a loop and   

  will repeat. 

  •   This is an Entrepreneurial Centered, Documentary Styled, and

  Due Diligence Research Compilation Directed Platform with Diverse and Valuable Information and Content for your Personal Growth, Personal Training, Entrepreneurial Internship and Apprenticeship Styled Individual Centered Training. 

  • Be in the KNOW with this Platform's Entrepreneurial NEWS


Please Note: This is not an official Ambit Energy website.

AMBIT Energy  -  (Ambit Texas, LLC REP #10117)

This website is merely a due diligence research platform created by an Independent Certified Energy Consultant only. 


Ambit Energy makes no guarantee or promise of income or business. Results are determined by the efforts of those and by market trends. Earnings represented or implied in Ambit’s marketing materials and communications may not be typical and cannot be relied on to represent one’s personal results either for current or future earnings. Income, if any, earned from the Ambit Compensation Plan requires diligence and hard work in several areas including, but not limited to, leadership, recruiting, self-development and dedication. Each Independent Consultant’s results will depend on their own skills, abilities and personal efforts in exercising these qualities. We urge you to study Ambit’s compensation plan and talk to your local Ambit consultant before enrolling.

(This links to the Ambit Energy Income Disclosure Statement)., to all consultant made marketing materials discussing the Opportunity such as, your personal websites, social media pages and any other resources that you use. This includes all printed flyers, videos, presentations, advertisements, and other materials. The disclaimer must always be able to be clearly read. Please note links to the full disclaimer on the Ambit Energy corporate website. You are only required to display the short disclaimer.

It's Highly Recommend to take this eCourse with those you've been inspired to invite using Zoom

zoom-image and logo.png

Due Diligence Research - Information Modules


Print your Free I. C. E. C. eCourse Badge today after

you become legally registered and compliance certified.



Your Feedback is imperative! Please take the time to

submit your review, right now.

Feedback Form |


Your light-bulb moments are worth sharing, so share

it today. Bring value and impact positively your

fellow Entrepreneurial Global Classmates, Today!

I got my Light-Bulb Moment Form |


Become legally registered and compliance certified

through the individual who invited you today.

Don't waste another minute from you being able 

to Earn while you Learn today!

You have the Choice and you have the POWER!

Exercise your potential for an Entrepreneurial lifestyle,

TODAY forward and pay it forward daily!

eCourse Content Contribution Form |


Get Plugged in and Stay Plugged in!

Don't just say you'll be their actually SHOW UP

and BE PRESENT while you're In Attendance!


If someone is speaking look at them at their face

to show respect and listen to what stands out and

then by all means take those stand out notes!

Know what's going on Locally and Globally!


Don't have an event in your area then create one.

Send your event info to us today to to post your I. C. E. C.


I. C. E. C. Calendar |

Contact Us |




This is an unofficial and very bias, leaning towards looking for the positive potential and the good, website with content compiled from our industry, industry leaders, company, company leaders, and talented fellow business partners.


We hope the content within this I. C. E. C., which is educational and informative by nature, brings you value in your pursuit of a brighter future as well as those you pay it forward to.


"Sometimes you just have to give a bright idea a chance to brighten not only your future, but the future of all those you pay it forward to as well.

It may start out as, what it can do for you and those you care about in order to change and improve your current situation or circumstance. 

However it becomes the untapped potential it can be for all you pay it forward to.


This occupational opportunity has the potential to be an enormous ripple effect for good.

We know where all good comes from, right?

This is one of those truly worthy endeavors to be a part of , participate in, and pay forward."

by Designer and Developer Kristine Holy-Dunn

Questions, Comments, Challenge Ideas, and other Suggestions

Email to - Attention: Kristine

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United  States

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© 2019-2021 a website by S.E.S.P.G.A

Self-Educated Student Personally Guided Association


Open to All Ages


This eCourse is best taken with others.


NOTICE: No student debt is incurred while taking this Transparent Entrepreneurial I. C. E. C. eCourse.

Once you're Legally Registered and Compliance Certified you're encouraged to contribute creative, insightful, informative, enlightening, and educational content to be share with your fellow local to global entrepreneurial classmates.

This is very much encouraged, however its merely optional.


Send your potential content to Attention: Kristine


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